Freelance writer David Leonhardt offers ideas to travel in comfort with the kids.
Three ways to reduce the stress and relax while away from home It takes a special person to travel with kids – a parent. Children have their own needs. Their idea of a vacation is more “adventurous” than […]
Don’t let jet lag spoil that much needed holiday trip to paradise or stop you from closing that career enhancing deal you’ve been working on for months.Arriving full of excitement and anticipation is great, but finding that you can’t sleep at night, you’re tired during the day […]
One of the most worrying aspects of flying with a baby is how it will affect their ears and their hearing.
A list of travel health resources targeted to people travelling with children or teenagers.
So what’s the minimum age for a newborn baby to take a flight?
There is no standard minimum age restriction for babies flying on aircraft. These restrictions are set by individual airlines - for example on Air Canada a baby must be 7 days old, whereas on Alaska Airlines there is no age restriction. Some airlines […]
By: maxine greco
These are some simple tips to make airline travel more stress-free. By planning ahead, and following the airline rules and regulations, you should be able to have an enjoyable trip. While you cannot always be prepared for the unexpected delay, by following these suggestions you’ll be ready to enjoy your travel time […]