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Archive for March 31st, 2008

New arrival and new site

In July 2007 the FWB family welcomed its newest member - little Nicola. She took her maiden flight from Sydney to Perth in January 2008. The Flying with Baby website has also been updated with a new look and new content - take a look around!

Taking the show on the road

For travellers without kids (and this includes parents who leave their kids at home), a vacation is a time to relax, to forget about timetables and schedules and to live each day as it comes. You can choose to stay up until 2am partying because you can sleep in the next morning - your only […]

Best time to fly - part I

One of the most frequently asked questions about travelling with an infant is what is the best time to fly.

There are lots of differing opinions on this matter, however I believe that it really depends not only on the age of your child, but also on the sleeping habits of your child.

Read more about the best time to fly…